Yahoo should have been spending time and $$$ polishing 360, getting the remaining small bugs out, and taking it out of beta. Panama Real Estate. Just what we needed, another social network? .... Your beloved Mark S***erberg stole the whole idea from others. Friendster was the first of its kind. MySpace copied the concept at its expense. Now, facebook is doing the same. Mash is nothing but mashing of all good features available out there. ...
Barbari in bi hotel ohraniti njegovo edinstvenost. Sploh opažamo pri izdelkih te delavnice neki strah pred ponavljanjem. Niti eden izmed oltarjev ni enak drugemu im so v tem oziru pravo nasprotje istodobnih izdelkov kranjske delavnice. ...
prag war meine erste station in meinem urlaub und nun wirklich n icht so toll wie ich es mir erhofft hatte. es fing ja schon damit an, dass die erberge in der ich gehaust habe die absolute katastrophe war-total ekelhaft(schau dir ...